Tuesday, November 20, 2012

welcome to the world harper

my beautiful little girl
was born on November 12, 2012 at 9:19am
she weighed 6 lbs 15 oz and measured 19 inches

She's perfect and we're so blessed.

Her brother seriously adores her.  He's not jealous.  He rubs her hair and reaches out to hold her.  He worries when she cries and wants to know where she is when he can't see her.  He loves her.

Now that we're home, we're adjusting to having two babies (under two).  It's not easy, but I didn't expect it to be.  I'm just lucky I have Brandon, because I seriously don't think I could do this without him.

Welcome to our world baby girl.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

normal around here

We've been busy getting ready for Harper and enjoying the fall.  This year like the last few, we visited a local farm in the area.  Peyton was old enough this year to participate in the activities and run around the pumpkin field.

When we got home, I let Peyton paint his pumpkin.  He seemed like he really liked painting it and he wasn't too messy about it either :-)

Two days before Halloween, Hurricane Sandy hit our area.  It was actually bad enough to close school for two days.  We lost power for a little less than 24 hours.  But things quickly resumed to normal on Halloween.  Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for everyone hit by Sandy :-(

Today is Election Day.  Brandon, Peyton and I went to vote early this morning.  I had the day off, but I had a ton to do to prepare for my leave.  I feel good knowing that Peyton will learn about the election process from a young age (part of the territory when your mom is a social studies teacher).

And today I had my last doctor appointment before Harper arrives!  It's pretty amazing.