Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Break: Day 2 and Peyton at 15 months

     After a looong Monday... Tuesday was a bit more relaxed.  Peyton and I had a playdate scheduled with a good friend and her 1 year old little boy.  We met up at a park nearby.  The boys played at the playground and then we walked them around the park in the stroller for a while.  It's nice to be able to pretend that I'm a stay-at-home mom sometimes :-)

Anyway... here's a picture of Peyton and his friend Ronin sitting on the bench.

I can't even believe that I really got a picture- this good- of two 1 years old's.  I can barely get a picture of Peyton these days.

It's crazy seeing them so grown up.  Here's Peyton and Ronin just a year ago....

Ronin was just born and Peyton was crushing him with his big head...  I'd say they're destined to be friends for life.

With that said... I need to update this blog about Peyton and all the amazing things he does these days.  This is more for me to write it down somewhere so that I don't forget.  I understand if you're like.. "I'm going to exit this page now..."

So what does Peyton do...

He says a few things:
  • Dada
  • Mama
  • Dog
  • Ball
  • Juice or Shoes.. the same word is being used for multiple purposes :-)
  • "There he is" after we say...where's Peyton?
  • He's said "I love you" but you'd probably call me liar because it's his secret trick that he only does when he feels like it.
  • And really long sentences where he is very confident in what he's saying, but we just pretend we know and say "yes Peyton! Really?!"
Cool Tricks:
  • He runs
  • He shuffles his feet and breaths really heavy when we say "fast feet Peyton, fast feet!"
  • He blows bubbles in the tub
  • Always claps after we sing the ABCs
  • He's fearless and super athletic.  He does pull ups using the bathroom sink and he dunks basketballs in his mini hoop.
Things I could live without:
  • He throws fits sometimes.  He's very determined, so when he can't figure something out or I take something from him- he'll make it clear that he's mad.  He has actually sat in time-out, but he sits there so nicely, I'm not sure that he knows it's a punishment.
  • He bites and thinks it's funny because we accidently laugh sometimes... oops.
  • He still doesn't eat a whole lot.  And his poop is nasty.  We've actually talked to the doctor about it twice, but they say it's fine?
  • Still not the best sleeper.  We're working on it :-)
What he has:
  • 4 top front teeth
  • 4 bottom front teeth
  • 1 molar on top that I can see is pushing through
  • Wears a size 4-5 shoe
  • Fits most comfortably in 18 mo clothing.. but we stick 12-24mo on him depending on what I want him to wear.
  • Really weird curly-straight hair.. don't know where it came from?

Thank you God for this gift, that I do not deserve.  I know that you love him even more than I do- which is impossible to comprehend in my human mind.  Please watch over him... you blessed me with a wild one :-)

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