Tuesday, May 29, 2012

memorial weekend plans vs. memorial weekend reality

I was so looking forward to this weekend.  We opted out of going to Ocean City and instead decided to relax and get a few things done around here... So, how did my weekend go?  We had fun, with a few bump along the way.

Our plan- we planned to finally use our Christmas gift card to do a lunch cruise on the Potomac River leaving out of D.C. 
Our reality- we left late, hit traffic, missed the exit, and arrived just as the boat was sounding its horn to leave.  So, instead I decided this was a great opportunity to eat at McCormick & Schmicks since (after eating there on New Year's Eve) I now receive menu updates and the new summer menu looks yummmmy.  Plus, ever since New Year's, I've wanted their upside down apple pie.  Anyway... we visited the McCormick & Schmicks on K Street only to find they were closed until 4 (should've known), but I thought the M&S Grill had to be open because it's a grill and that means lunch menu!  Well.. it does mean lunch menu but only M-F.. on Saturdays it is also closed until 4.  We ended up staying where we were, eating at some restaurant around there and making a few quick stops into H&M and TJ Maxx.  I am happy to say that I FINALLY bought a new pair of sunglasses.  That night we had family over for a movie.. aka they watched the movie, Brandon snored through the movie, and I made it through most of the movie but couldn't tell you what happened at the end.

I was really looking forward to church Sunday morning.  They were starting a new message series called "The Story of Love."  I love going to church.  I especially love going at 9 and coming out to a beautiful day.  So, we decided to go downtown and walk along the canal.  While there, we waited for a fairly new sandwich place called Lunchbox to open up.  Once it did, Peyton was getting sleepy, so we got our food to go and headed home.

Our plan-we decided *very last minute* to cook out and invite a few friends.
Our reality- because of our *lastminuteness* no one was able to really make it.  However we still cooked and enjoyed the company we did have.  Unfortunately, late that evening right before I was about to go to bed I began to feel really sick.  I tried to ignore it and go to sleep.. but that wasn't my body's plan.  So my reality was I woke up vomiting and with severe stomach pain.. went to the ER (because I'm not taking any chances with stomach pain anymore), and that's where I spent my evening.

Our plan- our plan for Monday was to go the pool.  I really wanted to take Peyton!
My reality- I was in bed, sick, all day.  I couldn't eat anything.  I lost 5 lbs that prove it.

My plan would've been to be back at work, with only 9 more days until Summer break.
My reality- I took off to rest and make sure I can keep food in.  I'm feeling better.. just a little weak.  I got to snuggle with Peyton though <3 

I'm not writing this to complain, because that was the LAST THING I wanted to be doing on Memorial Weekend.  A weekend where we remember the real sacrifice of those who have served our country.  I would be a fool to expect sympathy over my minor obstacles, when there are many who don't even get to experience the things I got to experience this weekend- as little or insignificant as they may seem.  Although my weekend did not go fully as planned.  I did rest (more than I ever expected to yesterday), I did get to spend time with my family, and I did get a few things done.  I plan to reschedule our lunch cruise and I'm sure I'll have plenty of opportunities to take Peyton to the pool this summer.  By the way, he did get to go with his dad.  He looked adorable and Brandon said he was fearless in the water- but did I expect anything different... nope.

Peyton and Daddy after the pool

Happy Memorial Day 2012, and thank you to those who serve or have served our county.

Friday, May 11, 2012

"I don't want to be good enough"

I've been thinking a lot lately about the role of parents.  It began when our pastor gave a message last Sunday about the impact of rejection on us.  He posed the question... why does rejection cause such pain even when you receive multiple positive affirmations?  Why does rejection as a child, adolescent, or even adult have the power to change who we are?  Why does it hold such significance in who we become and often lead down destructive paths?  I understand that rejection can come from many sources- parents, siblings, friends, and even strangers- but I truly feel that the rejection someone feels when they are abandoned by a parent has the longest, most devastating impact.

I've been lucky in my life to have parents that have always been there.  I haven't ever had to feel rejection on that level...and I'm thankful.  Everyday as a teacher I believe I see the impact that this has on who my teenage students have become.  Many seem so lost that they will seek any form of attention- often negative- in order to be seen.  I've had several students come into class angry everyday, bitter, and negative.  It's as if they have put up a wall to make sure that no one will let them down and they lower their expectations for themselves so that they can't even let themselves down.

With Mother's day this weekend and Father's day not far behind, I hope that all mothers and fathers will realize that they have been given a wonderful gift in getting to be a parent.  I hope we all understand that with this right comes significant responsibility.

Children need you to be their life vest... protect them, keep support them, and keep them safe.

I was reminded of the impact of rejection when I watched the VH1 show, Couples Therapy.  So, I am a little embarrassed to say I was watching this show... however there was a marathon on and nothing else to watch so I got sucked in... it's not my fault :-)  Anyway... while watching Couples Therapy (mostly D-list celebrity couples live in the same house and are counseled for a month or so) the "hard-core" rapper DMX was featured with his wife.  While in therapy, 41 year-old DMX broke down, sobbing, crying because of the pain he STILL feels about being left by his mother when he was 7!

Let me repeat:  A 41 year-old rapper was sobbing over not being ever being able to call his mother "mommy" and never being told "I love you."

Do you see the necessity for present, loving parents?

I was hit hard once more this week when I finally got around to watching the movie Courageous.  I've put off watching it because to be honest... it's a "Christian" movie and I was afraid it would be filled with bad acting and corny dialogue.  Well... there was some of that- but the message was so GOOD that it didn't matter.  The movie is about a father's role, more specifically a father's role according to the Bible.  In our society, growing up in a household without a father has become so normal that I probably almost come off as "judgemental" when I say that I think this change has also had a role in some of the negative changes that our society has experienced as well.

In the end of the movie, the main character says this...
"....A father should love his children and seek to win their hearts.  He should protect them, discipline them, and teach them about God.  He should model how to walk with integrity and treat others with respect, and should call out his children to become responsible men and women who live their lives for what matters in eternity."
Unless you don't believe in God, I don't know any person who would argue with this idea of fatherhood- however we are quick to accept when fathers walk away, or when mothers don't make having their child's father in their life a priority.  I get that there are some circumstances that are beyond anyone's control, so I'm not saying that every situation is the same.  What I am saying is that regardless of why a parent is absent, I do believe that it has a significant impact on who that child becomes- for some more than others.

There was one other line that really impacted me from the same speech as the quote above.  He said...
 "as a father, you are accountable to God for the position of influence He has given you."
Everyday, parents- including myself- take for granted this position that God has entrusted us with.  

In the beginning of this post, I restated a question that my pastor asked in his message- Why does rejection as a child, adolescent, or even adult have the power to change who we are?  Why does it hold such significance in who we become and often lead down destructive paths?

His response to that was because we were not ever supposed to experience hurt and rejection.  When God created us, we were created "in his own image" (Genesis 1:27) and the image of God is one of love.  The Bible says "whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love" (1 John 4:8) 

God calls on us to love.  God said the most important commandment is to "love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." The second most important commandment is to "love your neighbor as yourself." (Mark 12:28-32)
We were called to and created to love one another.  We were never meant to feel rejection, disappointment or pain, so when we do- it hurts... bad and it can cause us to act out in search of the love that we were created to feel.

This Mother's day I will remember that being a mother is a privilege, it is a gift given to me by God.  No matter how tired I am or frustrated, or angry, or annoyed- I have been placed in a position of influence and I would be dishonoring God if I did not hold myself accountable to His expectations. With that being said......

Happy Mother's Day to everyone who is a mother (or mother figure) to someone!   

(almost) Mother's Day 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

recipe you'll want to try... corn chowder

So... I made something yummy in my kitchen the other day and I thought I would share this delicious recipe with anyone who wants it.  The original recipe was adapted (I tend to switch out time consuming things like cutting corn off of the cob even though I'm sure it's better that way) and can be found here(AmyBites).

Corn Chowder (Yum!)
4-5 servings

You need:
1 bag of frozen sweet corn
1 lb. potatoes
2 teaspoons olive oil
1 onion, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
3 tablespoons flour
2 cups lowfat milk
1 1/4 cup reduced fat, reduced sodium chicken broth
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
Green onions, sliced, for topping
Reduced fat cheddar cheese, for topping

Now what you need to do...

1.  Wash the potatoes, pierce them with a fork, and microwave them until tender (8-10 minutes).  When they cool, cut into bite-sized pieces.

2.   Cook your corn according to directions (I steamed mine in the bag in the microwave), then set aside.

3.  Heat olive oil in a saute pan over medium-high heat.  Add onions and saute for 2-3 minutes.  Then add red pepper and saute for 1 additional minute.  Depending on what pan/pot you used, you may need to switch to a larger pot (something that the soup can cook in).  Add corn and stir.

4.  Whisk flour into 1/2 cup of milk and add to corn/onions/red pepper.  Stir.

5.  Add in 1 1/2 cups of milk and broth.  Add salt and pepper.  Cover and bring to a boil, then cook for 1 minute. Reduce heat to a simmer, uncover, and cook for an additional 10 minutes or until thickened. Stir in potatoes. Season with additional salt and pepper to taste, if desired.

6.  You can top with cheddar cheese and green onions.

According to amyBITES... each serving only has 278 calories and 4.6g fat.

All pictures taken by my camera phone :-)