Monday, April 9, 2012

Jesus rose from the grave and we visited a zoo, all in one weekend- kinda

     On Saturday morning, Peyton visited the zoo for the first time!  He did a great job.  We made the mistake of going to the part of the zoo where you can pet and feed the animals first.  From there on, he thought he could pet and feed every animal... including lemurs, lions, and monkeys!  I had to stop him several times from climbing over the fence.  He's a wild (or typical?) 15 month old.

Easter was super busy.  We went to church early, but stayed for the second service to serve in the children ministry.  Peyton was beat by the time we left and took a long nap when we got home.  Later we ate dinner with my family to celebrate.

I don't think people really get the importance of Easter sometimes.  Brandon and I have debated whether or not to teach Peyton about the Easter bunny.  I think because there's really no connection that can be made between the Easter bunny and the Resurrection of Jesus, we probably won't be telling him that a bunny brings him his basket.  It's not like he's asked yet :-) so, we'll see how it goes. 

Peyton had a rough night Saturday... so he woke up in our bed Easter morning.

  I hope Peyton grows up to understand how much Jesus loves him.  So much so that he died on a cross for our sins.  I want him to know that Easter solidified our place in heaven as long as Peyton chooses to believe in Jesus and follow Him.  Jesus rose from the grave and proved to all those who doubted him, that he IS the Messiah.  He is the son of God and he has given us all HOPE beyond this temporary life.  Unfortunately, the Easter bunny just doesn't really fit in.  But, no one said we can't celebrate with baskets and goodies :-)  We'll cross that other bridge when we get to it.  HAPPY EASTER!

What a difference a year makes!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! Sorry we couldn't make it Saturday.

    For what it's worth, we're not doing the Easter bunny, either. We do baskets and egg hunts, which I know are more related to spring equinox, but I feel like Jesus should be the main character in the Easter story without having to share the spotlight with the bunny. Plus, I don't like the idea of lying to Eli, even if it is about something silly like the Easter bunny. Not that you asked. =)
